In our second segment of Baby Blitz, we’ll talk generally about kids’ teeth.
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Hello, Facebook family. I hope everyone is well. I hope everyone is doing great. I want to thank you for joining me. Now I know the first thing that you’re about to say is, where are you? Well, I’m in a special place. And I can’t tell you until the end. So, if you want to know why I’m talking to you from a car, you’re going to have to wait until the end. Sorry, cliffhanger. But today, we are going to talk about the second part of our baby Blitz.
Now, this is our second installment, because we’re doing concentrating on baby teeth.
The first time we talked about why our baby teeth and important, remember, and if you didn’t see it, please go back, and check it out. Because remember, there are three reasons why baby teeth are important. The first reason is because of function. Like if your child doesn’t have teeth, how are they going to chew? So, baby teeth are important because they’re the first part of the digestive process.
The second reason they’re important is because they’re important because they help your children to grow. The teeth oppose the jaws, and so it helps the jaws to grow into form. So, we know that without teeth, your child won’t develop their head and their neck in their face, and everything won’t develop normally. The second reason is because of development. And then the third reason, of course, it’s because of aesthetics. Because we like smiling with our teeth and everything like that. Baby teeth are important for aesthetic. So, remember, baby teeth are important. They’re not throwaway teeth that you can just neglect, and then kind of say, well, we’re going to start taking care of adult teeth.
So, baby teeth are an awesome introduction to what you should be doing with your adult teeth. So, we talked about that last time.
Today, we’re going to talk about snacks and feeding habits and teething, which is important, because one of the most asked questions that I get from parents is, it’s not baby teething. Well, you know what, babies tend to begin teething anywhere from two to six months. So, if you have a baby that’s about four months, or about six months, and you’re noticing that they’re drooling a lot, then chances are, they’re probably teething. It’s just the luck of the draw. And children continue to teeth until they’re between two and a half and three and a half years old.
So, the baby teeth begin to erupt anytime between four months, and 14 months, which is a little over three and a half. So that’s a good way to remember four and 40. Now, what’s important to remember about children teething is that there are many modalities. And there are many very ways that children reactive teething process, one of the ways is that they get cranky. Like it’s not unusual for some kids to have almost like an allergic response. So sometimes kids get runny noses, sometimes they can get loose stools or diarrhea. Sometimes they can drool a lot. And then some kids may have nothing. Some kids may even have little teething pain or something like that.
And the point is, every child is different. So, when those teeth are coming in, it’s awfully hard to predict exactly what’s going on. But anytime between four months and 40 months, your child could be teething, especially if there’s a little low-grade fever and you don’t know why. Or they’re fussy and they don’t know why, or they used to eat bananas and now they’re not eating them, and you don’t know why it could be teething. Now what do you do, other than those sleepless nights because it is a known fact that teething pain most often happens at night.
That’s right. So, if your child is suddenly there, they were sleeping through the night, and now suddenly, they’re waking up in the middle of the night. Your child could be teething, it could be it. So, what do you do?
Just as many responses as they are, they’re about as many treatments to or modalities to help your child with their teething. One is, of course, a teething ring. That’s one of the things that we recommend, we recommend that you do not put those in the freezer that you do put them in a refrigerator, or something that’s cool or cold. So those work, they help we think with aging, which helps to kind of soothe those itchy sore gums.
The other thing that kids may respond to, is heat. So, some kids like cold stuff. If your child doesn’t like that, maybe try something warm, or something that’s kind of lukewarm that may help them too. If you notice that your child is kind of chewing on a blanket or something, they’ve never done that before, that may be an indication that they need something else to chew on something that won’t tear, something that won’t break, something that won’t come off in their mouth and make them choke, but something that will help to ease those gums.
The other thing that you can do for your teething children is to give them over the counter medication. Some kids respond to like ibuprofen, or baby Tylenol or baby Advil. And some kids respond to homeopathic teething methods. Like, I have some parents who do like the teething tablets, they like those homeopathic tablets, I’ve never tried those. But if you’re a homeopathic type of mom, that may be something that you’re trying. So, you want to make sure most of all, that you just make your child comfortable.
Unfortunately, there’s no cure for teething. It’s something, it’s a stage that they got to go through. And it’s a stage that as soon as it comes, it’ll be over. So, go with the flow, you may have a few sleepless nights, I’m sorry, but remember, it’ll all be worth it, because it’ll be over soon.
Now, the other thing that I must warn you about is that we do not recommend the teething biscuits. Now, whereas the teething biscuits are, they may be comforting in that. They kind of take the child’s mind off whatever is going on, because they kind of they kind of provide a little bit of texture, and then they get mushy, and they have sugar in them. Yeah. So teething biscuits are not at the top of our list when you talk about pediatric dentists and their recommendations for teething.
So, we don’t recommend the teething biscuits, maybe a teething toothbrush, which is like a banana brush, which is even better. Toddlers love that they can chew on both ends and the bristles will not come out.
Finally, one last caution. Do not give your child their toothbrush to chew on. Now, I know when your child brushes their teeth, they do two things, they suck on the toothbrush, suck all the toothpaste off, and then they chew on the brush. That’s fine for them when they brush. But make sure that you don’t give your child that toothbrush instead of a teething ring, or a teething toothbrush.
Because they’re two different things. So, make sure that your kind of keeping those gums clean. Make sure that you’re rubbing, make sure that you kind of see what your child responds to whether it’s something over the counter or homeopathic methods. And remember, it won’t last forever. My grandmother used to say this trouble don’t last always. So, stick in there with that teething.
And now the answer to your questions. Oh, and Miss Jones has a question about the amber crystal necklace. And she’s heard that they’re good for teething. I’ve never used that Miss Jones. But I want to put it out there that there may be other methods that your child can respond to. Now, I’ve never heard of that kind of necklace. If you could put it in the chat for me, Miss Jones and let us know where we can find something like that probably offline, then we want to make sure that other parents have access to this. She says she personally knows someone who used that amber crystal, and that is successful. Yeah. Because I know that teething is a season where it’s like oh my goodness.
So, do look up other teaching modalities. Make sure that they don’t contain too much sugar. And any modality that works for your child is worth it because we want to make sure that you get some rest and some sleep. I know that that’s hard.
Now, now cut to the chase. Why am I talking to you from this place? What I wanted to show you guys something special. And follow me now. This is our war machine. I’m going to turn it around so that you can see. This is our war machine. Our war machine has been in the family for about three years.
And you can see it, driving around town and all kinds of stuff. I’m hoping that if you see me that, first, you’ll be safe. And just wave and make sure that you don’t get into any trouble. It is my absolute pleasure to serve you. I want to thank everyone for coming and joining me. Well tune in to this community. I want you to pass this on. If you don’t have someone who’s teething or an infant, then please pass it on.
Hopefully, this information will help you. Thanks again. You guys enjoy your day and be safe. Thank you, Miss King. Bye