How to Handle Trauma To Baby Teeth

Big tumbles happen, especially for children under 7-8 years old. It’s scary, and there may be a lot of blood, but stay calm. If your child knocked a tooth loose, here’s what to do: 1) You probably do not need to go to the emergency room! Call your...

Real Talk: Is Juice Healthy?

Children certainly love juice, and many parents allow their children to have juice whenever they want. After all, it’s kind of like a fruit or vegetable… right? Well, no. Let’s pause for a quick chemistry lesson. Sugar lowers the pH in your...

Real Talk: Pacifiers and Thumb-Sucking

Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommend that you discontinue the pacifier use by the time your child is one year old. We hear you – that doesn’t give you a lot of wiggle room. However, studies show that...

Baby Blitz Part 3: Baby Teeth

In this segment of Baby Blitz we’ll be talking about about the baby teeth! View the video transcription: Hello Facebook family, and welcome to our third installment of baby Blitz, Facebook Live. My name is Dr. Joye Warr and I’m a pediatric dentist in High...

Baby Blitz Part 2: All About Teeth

In our second segment of Baby Blitz, we’ll talk generally about kids’ teeth. View the video transcription: Hello, Facebook family. I hope everyone is well. I hope everyone is doing great. I want to thank you for joining me. Now I know the first thing that...